Gospatrick of Northumbria Dunbar
Birth date:
Birth place:
Dunbar, East Lothian, , Scotland
Death date:
  ABT 1045
Death place:
  , Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland

Dunbar Family

Father: Eldred of Workington
Mother: Aldgytha
Spouse: Aethelreda of England
Ketel of Kendal
Fitz Thane
Duncan I of Scotland
Duncan I King
of Aquitaine
Maldred Dunbar
of Carlise & Allendale Maldred
of Scotland King
Maldred Earl of Dunbar
of Scotland
R 1034 1040 MacCrinan Duncan I
Malcolm Prince of Scots
R 1034 1040 MacCrinan Duncan I
Maldred MacCRINAN
of Scotland
Duncan 1 0f Scotland
Duncan I King of Scotland
Duncan I the Gracious King of Scotland

Gospatrick of Northumbria Dunbar